What is Github

What is GitHub? – The Ultimate Guide

In the world of software development, GitHub is a tool of necessity for millions of developers. Whether an individual coder working on personal projects or part of a large team handling complex software, GitHub is that platform making collaboration, version control, and code management smooth and efficient. So exactly what is GitHub? Why has it become so popular, and what makes it a go-to platform for developers around the world?

At its core, GitHub is an online service using the version control system Git to let developers track and do their changes more easily. It goes further beyond simple version control, however-by providing a collaborative environment that allows developers to collaborate in real-time, review each other’s code, and contribute to open-source projects. It’s also a hub for some of the most important software projects around, from small personal apps to large-scale systems like Linux.

Follow is a guide that covers the various aspects of GitHub. It’s comprised of two main parts: breaking down exactly what GitHub is, how it works, and why it has become such an important tool for software development today. Whether you’re just starting with version control or already seasoned, this guide will give you a sense of exactly what GitHub has to offer.

What is GitHub?

So, what is GitHub? In short, it is a source code repository service developed on the web, and developers can use it for code management. Much more than a form of code storage, it is actually where collaboration, version control, and community building exist for developers around the globe.

Now, GitHub is built on top of Git, which is Git, actually-an open-source version control system created by Linus Torvalds, who made Linux. Git is itself powerful tool for a programmer to track changes in his codebase so he can go back easily and compare different versions to know where problems were, or he can manage multiple contributors without fighting on the same code. GitHub takes what Git offers and makes it accessible via an easy-to-use web interface, making it easier for all levels of developers.

One of the things that makes GitHub really special is its approach to collaboration. Whether you’re working on your own little project or helping develop a behemoth open-source project with hundreds of collaborators, GitHub makes it easy to track changes, propose improvements, and discuss modifications. This combination of version control and collaboration tools is what makes GitHub stand out from the pack and positioned it as the de facto tool of modern software development.

How is Git related to GitHub?

At the heart of GitHub lies Git, the very version control system on which it is based. Understanding Git is a prequel to understanding how GitHub works. It is a distributed version control system, which allows multiple people to work on a project without stepping on each other’s toes. It records changes over time so you can see who made changes, what changes were made, and why.

Git, originally invented by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to develop the Linux kernel, has since grown to be the world’s most widely used versioning system. Git basically enables developers to snap a copy of their project at any point in time. Those snapshots preserve the complete status of the project so in case something goes wrong, the developer can go back to an earlier version.

Another feature is the support for branching, so that when the developer wants to implement different features or bug fixes on the main codebase, there will not be an impact of change. When he finishes the feature or bug, the same can be merged back into the main branch, making Git ideal for collaborative and continuous integration.

GitHub is just an interface placed on top of Git, and it makes it easier for developers to unlock the power of Git without necessarily having to understand what it takes to know a CLI. While Git is complex itself, GitHub simplifies most of these processes, hence giving developers a platform from where they can collaborate more efficiently and manage their code easily.

Key Features of GitHub

GitHub has so many features that make it indispensable to developers. Here are some of the most important ones for you:


A repository, shortened to repo, is like a storage space for your project. It contains all the files together in one location: the code, images, and even all sorts of documentation to construct a project. Repositories also have the option either to be public (viewable to anyone on GitHub) or private (viewable only by selected collaborators). Repo also stores the entire history of the project, tracked from each and every change, commit, or version.

Creating a repo is probably one of the very first things you are doing with GitHub. It is quite similar to creating a project folder, but with built-in version control and collaboration tools. Inside every repository, you can further use folders to make your code organized and README files for an overview of the overall project.


A branch in GitHub allows you to work on parts of a project separately. It often gets called main or master, depending on the convention your project team has adopted; it is where the fully working version of your project resides. When you’re implementing a new feature or fixing a bug, you are often given permission to create a branch and do your work in isolation. Then, you can merge those changes back into main without harming the current running version of your project when you think they’re ready.


Therefore, a commit is a snapshot of your project taken at a given point in time. Every time you make modifications in your code, you can make a commit which denounces what has changed and why. Commits are accompanied by a message explaining the modifications, thus allowing collaborators to see what has been done. GitHub tracks every commit made on a project. You can easily revert back to previous versions should you wish to do so.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are the most significant collaboration tool on GitHub. Here, doing a pull request means requesting others to review and merge your changes into the main codebase. This is where code review, discussion, and collaboration before accepting change can actually occur; this is really helpful for open-source projects where there are many contributors who need to collaborate.


Forking is duplicating someone else’s repository. This is actually pretty common in an open-source project where you would wish to contribute to a project but do not have direct access to it. In this manner, you can make changes based on the copied version of your repo and submit your valuable changes as a pull request.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions allows you to automate your workflows-the procedures you run across your repository, like running your tests or deploying your code. Using GitHub Actions, you can create CI/CD pipelines and automate testing and deployment for each change in your code. It’s a very powerful tool for automating routine tasks in the development process.

Why GitHub is Popular

Besides these two features, GitHub is popular because of the community and flexibility. Let’s examine some of the primary reasons why GitHub is so popular:

1. Collaboration

Collaboration on GitHub is made easy. Be it a small team or an extended organization, GitHub gives multiple developers to work on the same project without having to fear overwriting code for each other. Features like pull requests, branching, and tracking allow teams to make conversation, review code, and merge changes easily.

2. Version Control

Git’s version control system, and made friendlier by GitHub, has been a lifesaver for developers, as you can keep track of changes, revert back to previous versions, and keep an open history of the project’s development. It makes it easy to see who made what changes and when, hence developing accountability and transparency in the development process.

3. Hub for Open Source

GitHub is the biggest open-source project platform in the world. It hosts many of the world’s largest open-source projects, including Linux, React, and TensorFlow. This makes GitHub a perfect choice for developers who want to contribute to, learn from, or build on top of other people’s code.

4. Community

The other essential factor is GitHub’s community. With a recent count at millions of users, depth of knowledge can easily be tapped into. Developers follow each other, star interesting projects, and contribute to any range of public repositories. This community feature improves the learning between developers and collaboration in general.

5. Integrations

GitHub can readily integrate with many developer tools, including CI/CD pipelines like Jenkins and Travis CI, project management tools like Jira and Trello, and cloud services like AWS and Azure. This means you can manage your entire development workflow, from writing code to deployment, all through GitHub.

GitHub for Beginners

Starting with GitHub could be very easy if you’re not familiar with version control. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to get started.

How to Get Started on GitHub

  1. Go to GitHub.com: Head over to GitHub’s website and sign up for a free account.
  2. Install Git: If you haven’t already, download and install Git-the version control system that GitHub runs on. This will then enable you to manage your repositories on GitHub.
  3. Your first repository: Your first step, after logging in will be creating a new repository. You will do that by clicking on the button “New” in your dashboard. Create your repository, add a description for it, and choose whether it’s public or private.
  4. Commit and push changes: After you created your repository, you can begin adding files into it. After you made changes, you would use the Git to commit them, then push them to GitHub.
  5. Clone a repository: If you want to work on an existing project, clone the repository to your local machine, make some changes and push those changes back to GitHub.

Best Practices for Beginners

  • Clear commit messages: Every commit should have a meaningful message that describes what changes were done and why. This makes it easy for you and your collaborators to understand the history of the project.
  • Work in branches: All changes should be done in separate branches except when everything gets verified. Other new feature and bug fixes should be done in separate branches. This ensures the source remains clean and stable.
  • Participate in open-source: GitHub hosts some of the worlds greatest open-source projects. Begin with some project you would like to participate in, then fork the repo and submit your own pull requests. It’s a fantastic way to learn and improve at coding.

GitHub does have tons of resources for learning, particularly if you are a new one. Some of them are GitHub Guides and the GitHub Learning Lab. They have tutorials and hands-on exercises to get you doing Git and GitHub in no time.

GitHub for Teams and Organizations

It’s not just for solo programmers; it serves as a quite effective outlet for teams and organizations. Here’s how GitHub enables collaboration and team management for larger teams:

Collaboration Features for Teams

All these features are for teamwork on GitHub, making it easier to collaborate in different parts of the project without causing any conflicts with tools like pull requests, code reviews, and issue tracking. You can assign issues to your team member, track your progress on project boards, and ensure that every single change gets reviewed before being merged to the main branch.

Private Repositories for Companies

For those that have confidential needs, GitHub has private repositories. In this case, there is only one-way access to the specific team member, and companies can safely hold proprietary code. GitHub Enterprise is also a more hardened version of GitHub, mainly for large organizations with more advanced security, compliance, and collaboration features.

Case Studies of Companies Using GitHub

Most of the recognized companies use GitHub to handle the workflow of their development operations. For example, Microsoft (which acquired GitHub), Facebook, and Airbnb use GitHub to organize their code and collaborate on it. These companies simplify their development process and ensure the quality of their code by using version control and automation through GitHub’s features.

Advanced Features in GitHub

Apart from excellent simple version control and collaboration, some other advanced features come with GitHub to elevate your workflow to another level.

GitHub Pages

Another nice feature of GitHub is GitHub Pages, which lets you host websites directly from your GitHub repositories. GitHub Pages enables you to build personal portfolios, documentation of the projects you’re working on, or even full websites. Setting up GitHub Pages requires only a few steps: simply push your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files into a special branch, and GitHub will publish them automatically.

GitHub Gists

Another really useful feature is GitHub Gists. It allows one to share parts of your code or a small project. Gists are great for quick collaborations or an example of code you want to share with others. You can create public gists anyone has access to or make them private when it is related to some information that you do not want anyone to access.

Security Features

Security is taken seriously by GitHub. It provides various tools to help you keep your codebase safe. For example, the Dependabot tool will scan your dependencies for vulnerabilities automatically, and Code Scanning will scan your code for security issues. GitHub also contains secret management features that allow you to handle sensitive information the right way, like API keys and tokens.

GitHub Actions for Automation

If you want to automate parts of your workflow, GitHub Actions would be the best tool for you. GitHub Actions is what allows the automation of workflows to build, test, and deploy your code after every change. This is especially useful when it comes to CI/CD pipelines, because using automation in these processes helps to save huge amounts of time while maintaining a very minimal error rate.

Comparison with Other Platforms (Bitbucket, GitLab)

Whereas GitHub stands as the most popular version control platform as well as collaboration tool, it is not the only one. Compare GitHub with two of its major competitors: GitLab and Bitbucket.

GitHub vs. GitLab

GitLab is essentially the same as GitHub; it provides version control and collaboration tools along with a CI/CD pipeline. The CI/CD integration is also built into this, so no third-party tools need to be integrated. On top of this, developers can host a self-managed instance of GitLab for total control of projects. On the other hand, GitHub’s community and support are much greater, so is the best choice for open-source projects and collaboration.

GitHub vs. Bitbucket

Another site that can replace the use of GitHub is Bitbucket. Essentially, Bitbucket is used to connect or interact with other sites such as Jira and Trello, which are products from Atlassian. Normally, teams using such tools prefer using Bitbucket, as it fits well within their already-prebuilt workflows. However, there are fewer users in Bitbucket in contrast to the users in GitHub, and it also lacks a much larger user community; hence most developers would love to use GitHub instead.

When to choose GitHub? If you are developing open-source projects or in case you need a robust community support or frictionless integration with other popular development tools, then you should go for GitHub.

Why Developers Should Use GitHub

Until now, it has been proved that GitHub is a tool every developer needs. But why should you use it?

Version Control and Collaboration

First and foremost, version control is an easy and effective tool through GitHub. It traces every change to your project, allows collaboration with others and ensures that you never miss any copy of your work. Features about version control through GitHub save time and prevent costly mistakes, regardless of whether one works alone or with a team.

Portfolio Building

GitHub is a great platform to showcase work for individual developers. Many employers check out the GitHub profile of a developer as part of the selection process, and having a series of well-maintained public repositories can be equivalent to a resume in itself. Contributing to open-source projects or publishing open-source projects of your own can demonstrate your coding skills and interest in the field.

Simplified Workflow

GitHubs tools, such as pull requests, branches, and GitHub Actions, make the development process slightly easier to perform. Features like pull requests, branches, and GitHub Actions support easy testing out of new features, collaboration, and automated testing and deployment. GitHub helps you to work more on writing code rather than managing your workflow.

How GitHub Supports Open Source

One of the most significant contributions GitHub has given to the world of developers is open-source projects. GitHub is the host site for millions of open-source repositories, ranging from small, personal projects to large frameworks and libraries.

GitHub Sponsors

There is now a new way to support the developers who contribute to open-source projects financially, known as GitHub Sponsors. For sponsoring a project, people and companies support the creators of the tools they are using.

Contributing to Open Source

Contributing to open-source projects is one of the best ways to really hone your coding skills while giving back to the community. Since GitHub has such robust tools like forking, pull requests, and even just issue tracking, developers can work with people on projects even if they’ve never met in person.

Besides, Linux, React, and TensorFlow, that find themselves on this list of most essential open-source projects worldwide are hosted by GitHub; hence, it is a go-to platform between developers when it comes to using the open source.

In a Nutshell

In short, GitHub is much more than a place to store your code; it’s rather more of a collaborative tool for version control and the building of communities. It does not matter if you are just starting to learn the basics of Git or if you are already an experienced developer with complex projects in your hands; GitHub has everything you need to keep your code responsible and collaborate with other people effectively.

It is rich in features, from repositories and branches to pull requests and GitHub Actions, making development workflows smooth and easy to track changes, review code, and deploy applications. And since its large and active community will give you what you need to share your open-source projects, learn new stuff, and show off your work.

Now is a great time to sign up for a GitHub account and start discovering its features, if you haven’t done so yet. It has something in it for everyone-from contributing open-source projects to managing personal workflows for development purposes.


1. What is the difference between Git and GitHub?

Essentially, Git is a version control tool used by developers to track file changes. GitHub is a service which manages Git repositories in the cloud. It provides a user-friendly interface which helps manage, share and collaborate on projects using Git. Git is the tool that developers use for managing code, whereas GitHub is the service where that code lives and gets shared.

2. Is GitHub free to use?

Yes, GitHub offers free plans for free for individual users as well as organizations. For free, you can have an unlimited number of public repositories. Private repositories are also available for free but with fewer features, though there also exist paid plans (such as GitHub Pro or GitHub Teams), which include more advanced features such as extra storage, enhanced security, and many more collaboration features.

3. What are GitHub repositories?

A repository, or repo, is a kind of space in GitHub for all files related to your project. Repositories can hold code for your project, documentation, and even track every single change made over time. Repos can be public-by-design-meaning anyone can view their contents-or private-by-design-so only selected collaborators can view those contents.

4. What is a pull request in GitHub?

A pull request is a feature in GitHub by which developers can submit changes to a repository. It represents the process of reviewing, discussing and accepting changes before including them in the main codebase. For any collaborative project, this is important to maintain clean, functional and bug-free code.

5. What is forking a repository?

You make a forking repository for someone else’s repository on your own GitHub account. Forking allows you to test changes without affecting the base project. Once you improve something you have tested, you can create a pull request to the author of the project requesting for your contribution.

6. How can I contribute to open-source projects on GitHub?

One can contribute to open source projects by using the process of forking a repository, changing it as deemed necessary in the copy, then submitting a pull request to the original repository. This will be reviewed by the maintainers of the project and included into the project if they deem it fit to do so.

7. What is GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is one of the new features that automate workflows directly from your GitHub repository. It assists users with tasks like building and testing code as well as deploying code each time there’s a change in order to have Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment for your projects.

8. What is GitHub Pages?

GitHub Pages is free hosting for static websites directly from the GitHub repository. It is often used for project documentation, personal portfolios, and small websites. You can freely host your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files on GitHub Pages.

9. Can I use GitHub for private projects?

Yes, you can create private repositories in GitHub – it’s possible only to you and collaborators whom you invite. That can be used for personal projects or proprietary code that should not be published publically.

10. Is GitHub only for coding projects?

It might sound a bit weird, but even though GitHub is first and foremost a tool to use for software development, it can be used for any sort of project where there’s working with files and tracking changes. Writers, designers, and data analysts use GitHub too as well – for collaborating on documents, designs, and data analysis.

11. Do I need to know how to use Git to use GitHub?

Although knowing Git gives you all the power that GitHub has to offer, for many tasks such as repository creation, file editing, and the submission of pull requests, you might not need to use the Git itself and can do everything through GitHub’s web interface. Moreover, GitHub offers resources, guides, or tutorials to assist in learning Git if you are a beginner.

12. What is GitHub Enterprise?

GitHub Enterprise is one of the GitHub tailored to fit large organizations and businesses. It integrates additional security, compliance, and support features-including hosting GitHub on-premises or in the cloud-providing a suitable solution for enterprises that require more control over their data.

13. How secure is GitHub?

GitHub takes security matters seriously, and as such, it has bundled several security features that include code scanning, dependency monitoring through Dependabot, and encrypted storage of sensitive information. In addition to this, GitHub also provides two-factor authentication in order to protect accounts from unauthorized access.

14. Can I use GitHub on mobile devices?

Yes, GitHub has a mobile application that you can access if you have an iOS or Android device. This allows you to review code while on the go, merge pull requests, and manage issues or notification along various methods while on the go.

15. What are GitHub Gists?

GitHub Gists are a way to share code snippets or little projects quickly and easily. Great for sharing quick fixes, examples, or single files without having to start a full repository, you can make a gist public or private depending on your needs.

16. How can GitHub help me build a portfolio?

GitHub is also a great place to build up your portfolio. In creating public repositories for your projects and contributing to open-source projects, you can show your worth to any potential employer or collaborator. Most developers use their GitHub profiles as part of their portfolios when applying for jobs.

17. Can GitHub handle large files?

While individual files contain up to 100 MB, GitHub provides Git LFS for larger projects: it is the one applied for the control of large files, such as videos, audio files, or datasets, in a GitHub repository.

18. What is the difference between master and main branches on GitHub?

Traditionally, the master branch was the default name of a GitHub repository. However, to use less exclusively normative language, GitHub has recently changed the default branch name to main. Both work exactly like each other; it’s simply the naming convention.

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