How wireless charging works

How Wireless Charging Works and its Future | Simply Explained

Hello friends, welcome to Infoseemedia, Today we discuss wireless charging. Wireless charging is a unique technology that is going to change the entire electronic product charging style. I’m pretty sure that after 5 to 10 years, we can charge everything wirelessly. This is not a new technology. Scientists know about it since the past 100 …

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Artificial Intelligence AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) explained in simple words

Hello friends, welcome to Infoseemedia. Today we are discussing Artificial Intelligence. What is Artificial Intelligence The first thing that comes to our mind as soon as we hear “Artificial intelligence” are robots. But this artificial intelligence is not only in robots. Rather, but it has also expanded to our everyday lives as well.  Whether Google …

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What is Calorie


Hello friends, welcome to Infoseemedia. Today we will discuss calories. What are calories We all need the energy to work, breathe, digest food, and for every single little thing which our body does. That energy’s unit is called a calorie. It is of two types, they are calorie(kilocalorie), small calorie(gram-calorie). The amount of energy required …

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What is Sociology

Sociology and its scope

What is Sociology Sociology word is the mixture of 2 words they are “socio” and “logy”. Socio means society and logy mean science. So the meaning of sociology in simple words is the scientific study of society. The things that come under society are culture, cast, age, time, discrimination, love, family, marriage, relation, gender, love, …

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What is fat

Fats | Know everything in details | Types, benefits, sources

Hello friends, welcome to Infoseemedia. Today we are talking about Fats. What is Fats Fats are made of combining carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. But in this quantity of oxygen is very less compare to carbohydrate. Fats are insoluble in water and float on it. But these are easily soluble in organic solvents like chloroform, benzene, …

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